Dishoom Café, Satya Niketan
Sunday Funday and Wtf Monday. Celebrating Happy Sunday. The second famous thing after Satya Niketan in Delhi,

Is Bullet. Or should we say, Bulltt? Catching up to this theme, Satya Niketan has this café, Café Dishoom which can been seen from a distance since they have this large Bullet kept outside their Café, Which is on 1st floor. Well, Amused Right? SO WERE WE. A fun loving ambience with a lot more Dabaangg feeling with it and much more.This cafe and it’s Bultt is above awesomeness . Have fun with meals and ambience along with your friends. we had lustrous Cheesy Peri Peri Nachoes which were served with red tingling flavoured chutney which was just amazing along with Chocolate Shake which had an amazing taste and chilling experience and with a ferrero with it, What more can a chocolate lover ask for?
Price for Two : Rs. 400.