5 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of Those Pimples!
Pimples and tanning in summer and rainy season are quite normal. Instead of using different face wash that makes your skin look sore and less radiant why don’t you try these simple tricks and get rid of it.
Aloe vera is one of the best medical herb that is used till date. it helps fighting pimples and acne marks and are known to give one of the best results it also makes your skin radiant and removes tanning .
2. ICE
Ice can be used to quickly reduce the redness, swelling and inflammation of pimples. It helps in improving blood circulation to the affected area, and in tightening the skin pores and removing dirt and oil accumulated on the skin. You can use ice cubes or crushed ice, whichever is convenient.
Another best way to remove pimple in lemon juice, as it contains vitamin C it helps the pimple to dry fast. lemon juice should be extracted from lemon itself, fresh, it should not be a bottle juice. Adding lemon juice with honey helps you to remove tanning too.
Weird? but well but it is the most effective when followed by the previous step (ice). It decreases the pH level of the skin and removes oil. Go try it .
Garlic is an antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and antioxidant agent that can help in the fast treatment of pimples. The sulfur in garlic also promotes quick healing of pimples. Adding garlic with honey helps you to reduce tanning