Some Really Simple Stress Buster! #ByeStress
Stress is one of the most serious problems faced by people.
Here we bring you 5 most simple method to do away with stress.
Daily exercise for 15mins can be the most natural way to treat stress. It increases the heart, allowing more oxygen and blood to flow in the body, that helps to overcome the anxiety and stress.
Make sure you eat healthy. If your blood sugar level is low, eating can seriously turn your bad mood around after just a few bites. Fatty acids and spicy foods might even help a little extra. Just make sure you don't go overboard.
In stress it’s important to surround yourself with positive energy and good vibes, studies show that who laugh most heartily, shows the bigger drop in stress level.
Meditation is a way that helps a person to calm down and focus and get rid of distractions of mind. a simple technique of breathing in deeply and slowly, focusing your attention on your breath and away from all that stuff that's stressing you out.
Talking to someone you trust, about your problems helps you to feel connected and get rid of stress.
Most importantly, don’t shy out. Seek for help and limit your caffeine intake.